Park Sung-han: "I don't want to hit double-digit home runs, but I want to increase my batting average with runners in scoring position."

Park Sung-han: "I don't want to hit double-digit home runs, but I want to increase my batting average with runners in scoring position."

Blog Article

Park Seong-han (26, SSG Landers) is posting a respectable batting record this season with a batting average of 0.297 (87

hits in 293 at-bats), 5 home runs, and 37 RBIs.

Considering that he is a shortstop with a lot of defensive burden, he can even get extra points.

However, after the home game against KT Wiz held at Incheon SSG Landers Field on the 26th, Park Sung-han confessed,

"I am not satisfied with my batting performance," and "My batting average with runners in scoring position is not high,

and even when I try to hit aggressively, there are times when I am passive at the plate."

There were no regrets from the game that day.

Park Sung-han contributed to the team's 10-5 victory by going 4-for-5 with 4 RBIs, including a tying two-run home run in

the second inning.

Both hits and RBIs are tied for Park Sung-han's personal single-game records.

Park Sung-han smiled and said, “Today was okay.”

Park Sung-han was responsible for the team's first and last points in the game against KT on the 26th.

In the bottom of the second inning, with one out and a runner on first base and trailing 0-2, he hit a 122 km/h changeup

from KT starting pitcher Yuk Cheong-myeong, sending a game-tying two-run arc over the right field fence.

In the bottom of the 8th inning, with the score 8-5, and 2 outs and bases loaded, he hit a 2-RBI center field RBI single off

of Joo-Kwon's fastball.

With Guillermo Heredia and Han Yu-seom out with the bases loaded and SSG unable to add any more points, Park Sung-

han produced a valuable 2-pointer.

Park Sung-han said with a bright expression, "Since Heredia and Han Yu-seom, who hit better than me, were eliminated

with ground balls, I went up to the plate with a relaxed mind, thinking, 'I can hit it too. '" He added, "I think not feeling

pressure led to a good result. In fact, it wasn't even a clean sheet, but I got lucky."

With Park Sung-han's timely hit, SSG was confident of victory.

The batting average with runners in scoring position, which Park Sung-han is still not satisfied with, also rose from 0.271

to 0.276. The batting average with runners on 안전 base is 0.315.

Park Sung-han said, "I haven't been hitting well lately, but Coach Kang Byeong-sik encouraged me by saying, 'If you go up

to the plate with a smile, dopamine will be released. '" He continued, "I played the game with a positive mindset, just as the

coach intended. Fortunately, I got a good result."

Park Sung-han hit five home runs before the first half ended.

Park Sung-han, who hit 9 home runs last year and was one home run short of his first double-digit home run season, may

aim for his first '10 home runs' this year.

However, Park Sung-han said, "Home runs are not something I'm greedy for," and "I just want to improve my

performance in areas that can help the team, such as batting average with runners in scoring position."

Although Park Sung-han is dissatisfied with his performance, players playing in the KBO League recognize Park Sung-

han's abilities.

Park Sung-han was not selected for the 2024 All-Star team due to a lack of fan votes, but he took first place in the Dream

All-Star shortstop category in the 'player team vote.'

Park Sung-han smiled and said, "I'm grateful to the fans and players who voted for me," and "It feels good to be recognized

by players from other teams."

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